Tracey-Leigh Wessels





The Family Law and Family & Divorce Mediation Practice of Tracey-Leigh Wessels is based in Durban North, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. This Durban Divorce and Family Law & Mediation Practice is headed by Tracey-Leigh who is both a Family Law Attorney and a Mediator. With a career spanning twenty-eight years and with extensive experience in working with both local and international family law and family mediation associations, Tracey-Leigh brings with her, a wealth of experience in dealing with disputing families in the context of divorce, maintenance, and children’s issues. 


Durban Attorney – Family Law Practice

Tracey-Leigh Wessel’s Law and Family & Divorce Mediation Practice is dedicated to providing comprehensive support tailored to a client’s unique needs, whether those needs deal with surrogacy, reproductive law, gamete donor agreements, pre-marital agreements, or general family law advice in the areas of divorce, children’s rights, care, contact, guardianship, international relocation, parental responsibilities and rights, maintenance, or domestic violence. Having been in the legal profession since 1996 Tracey-Leigh is adept at navigating complex issues to ensure that the family’s best interests are always protected. Her aim is to offer clarity and potential resolution in even the most challenging of situations. With two Law Masters dealing with children and the law, Tracey-Leigh understands that family law issues are always emotionally charged and complex and she accordingly approaches each case with sensitivity, ensuring that her clients feel supported and understood throughout the legal process. Her extensive experience allows her to offer insights and solutions that are both legally sound and tailored to the unique circumstances of each family.

Focus Areas Include:

  • Surrogacy
  • Reproductive Law
  • Donor Agreements
  • Divorce
  • Matrimonial Property issues
  • Pre-Marital Agreements
  • Antenuptial Contracts
  • Partnership Agreements
  • Children’s Rights
  • Custody
  • Care
  • Contact
  • Guardianship
  • Parental Responsibilities and Rights Issues
  • Children Born Out Of Wedlock
  • Parenting Plans & Agreements
  • Domestic Violence
  • Maintenance

Durban Family & Divorce Mediator & Mediation Practice

Tracey-Leigh Wessels’ mediation practice is built upon the belief that most family disputes can be resolved outside of the courtroom. Having qualified as a mediator in 1996 Tracey-Leigh’s mediation services are designed to provide a supportive and confidential environment where couples and families can work through their differences with the help of a neutral third party. Tracey-Leigh remains steadfast in her belief that Mediation not only helps families to find amicable solutions but also empowers them to take control of their future, rather than leaving these decisions in the hands of the Court. 


Tracey-Leigh Wessel’s Mediation Services Include:

  • Divorce Mediation
  • Parenting Plans
  • Custody Mediation
  • Post-Divorce Mediation
  • Child Maintenance Mediation
  • Elder Mediation
  • Relationship & Couple Mediation
  • Mediation to Remain Married (Marital Mediation)

Commitment to Confidentiality and Ethical Standards

Tracey-Leigh has throughout her career remained dedicated to maintaining the confidentiality of her clients and adhering to the highest ethical standards set by both the attorney’s profession and . She understands that family disputes can be highly personal and sensitive, and she ensures that all information shared whether during legal consultation, a surrogacy meeting or in mediation is kept strictly confidential. Her commitment to ethical practice means that clients can trust her to handle their cases with integrity and professionalism.


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