The Impact of Covid-19 on Mediation


Who will ever forget the Covid-19 Pandemic.  Thanks to modern technology, developed long before Covid was even a part of our layman’s vocabulary, the business world was able to pick itself up in record time. Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and a host of other online-video conferencing platforms have effectively changed the way we now do business. For those of us in the Conflict Resolution World, they have changed the way we resolve disputes.  Since 2020, many are now asking for the option of online mediation sessions. 


The Online Mediators’ Response to the Pandemic


Online Mediation is the way that many overseas mediators now practice their craft. And by all accounts, they are doing an excellent job. They have happy and satisfied clients. Many of these Mediators have indicated that they won’t be returning to face-to-face mediation.


The Advantages of Online Mediation


There are numerous advantages to attending an Online Mediation with a suitably qualified online mediator, these include:

Flexibility on Time. Parties can mediate outside normal office hours. As long as there is a computer, an internet connection, and a willingness to mediate, the online mediation can take place at the convenience of the Parties and Mediator.

Relaxedness on Environment. Parties are able to mediate in the comfort and privacy of their own home. Making alternate child care provisions  help ensure that  kids don’t stumble in on the mediation session. Having said that, the comfort of remaining in a familiar environment however far outweighs any of the stress associated with having to go to a stranger’s boardroom to “face” the other side.

Speed of Process. Online Mediation is a far more focused process and this ultimately translates to a saving of time and money.

Disputing Parties don’t need to meet face-to-face. Face to face physical encounters can be stressful. Particularly where the Parties may have been in a relationship with one another. Online Mediation allows parties to properly “see” each other without having to be in the same environment.

There are no geographical restraints. Parties’ can choose who to approach to assist them with the mediation of their matter. This does not have to be limited to the area of their residence or work. On proviso that a Mediator is prepared to do the online mediation, that person can be appointed irrespective of where they may reside.

The process is flexible. Parties who are in a face-to-face mediation can transform their mediation to an online mediation and vice versa. Should parties in an online session need to meet with the mediator separately, this can also be easily achieved via the use of separate zoom breakaway rooms.


Online Mediation may have a disadvantage or two, but…

for those who are willing to embrace the new, there is an untouched World of technological advancement which is on our Mediation doorsteps and it is ready to welcome people in. Are you ready for it?





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